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      News — Effects Of Corona Virus On College Kids

      Shelter Chic = Mismatched Mayhem For This College Girl

      Shelter Chic = Mismatched Mayhem For This College Girl

      You know those clothes that you should probably give away but never actually do? And, the clothes that you have had in your closet for years but have really never worn before because they fit weird? Oh, and I almost forgot... none of these clothes match each other. At all. Well, lucky me, because those are the only clothes I have in my house to wear during the quarantine. My wardrobe has truly become a “mismatched mayhem”.

      I left college early March with a week’s worth of clothes for my spring break trip to Las Vegas. Just so you know, those clothes consisted of one comfy plane outfit, five bathing suits and five nightclub dresses. Not exactly the type of clothes that would be beneficial right now. After coming back from my trip on Friday March 13, I was expecting to go back to school Sunday March 15. Therefore, I didn’t mind wearing whatever random clothes I had left home from school for a few days. 

      Who knew that during my time in Vegas, the Coronavirus situation would escalate so much? And, that the day before I came home from my trip, Penn State would announce that all classes were going to be online for the next three weeks. At first I was kind of disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to go back to school for a little while. But, I just kept reminding myself that it was only going to be three weeks and it would be a nice break between coming back from my trip and really getting into school again.

      And then it happened… Penn State moved the rest of the semester (and graduation :/ ) to be completely online. Shortly after that, New Jersey shut down all non-essential businesses and declared a state lockdown. So now, here I am, stuck at home with only my mismatched mayhem clothes to wear.

      Go ahead, you can laugh. I know you are all probably picturing some girl sitting on her couch wearing the ugliest neon pink sweatpants paired with a 10 year old bar/bat mitzvah sweatshirt. 

      Luckily, I have my mom and my sister to steal clothes from when I run out of wearing the only 5 outfits I have in my closet and the fact that my parents own a retail clothing store doesn’t hurt either. 

      So, in actuality, even though I am complaining about my lack of “normal” clothes, I am extremely lucky. I have family and friends who are safe and healthy. My two dogs give us a reason to get out of the house more. My parents' small business is still able to function online. And, to be honest, who cares about what clothes I’m wearing. You can only see my shirt in Zoom anyway.

      So, whatever, I’ll let my neighbors, and the squirrels in my backyard, judge me for wearing an outfit that doesn’t match. Because honestly, for all I know, I could be starting a new trend. Maybe Mismatch Mayhem really is the new Shelter Chic.